Meet our core team, comprised of journalists, investigators and specialists in communication and development.

Lucila Rodríguez-Alarcón (General director)

She has directed the communication of Oxfam in Spain and Latin America and has been head of Press and Coms for the Madrid City Council. She writes a weakly column for the 3500 millones section of El Pais. She has a distinguished and respected career in social sector. Her long term goal is to change the world and those of us who know her know that she will not retire until she has done so.


Gonzalo Fanjul (Director of investigation)

Expert in poverty and development. He combines his work at porCausa with a position as director of analysis at ISGlobal. Creator of the El País blog 3500 millones. Finished his studies at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.


José Bautista (Director of journalistic research)

Journalist specialised in research and economy. In porCausa he is investigating corruption in the border cities. He works as a freelance for La Marea and The New York Times. Before he worked for Agencia EFE, Folha de São Paulo.


Chantal Touzet (Director of management and administration)

Holds a degree in social work, with a special focus on education, orientation, and formation. Expert in the implantation and development of management plans, budget planification and control, and marketing plans.


Patricia Macías (Journalism coordinator)

She holds a degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a specialist in Gender, Migration and Human Rights from the same university, as well as in Collective Memories in Latin America from CLACSO. She has lived two years in England and five years in Guatemala, where she worked as a journalist and coordinator of social projects. She writes articles on gender, migration and territorial defense, and is passionate about photography.


Vanesa Martín Gallego (Project Manager and Head of New Narratives)

Anthropologist specialising in international cooperation and human rights. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Cooperation from the Carlos III University of Madrid. She worked in International Cooperation at the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador managing the European Cooperation. She is a regular columnist in the section Con M de Migraciones powered by Pú newspaper. She has developed her career in the field of communication and the development of strategies, contents and actions to raise awareness and boost social mobilisation in third sector organisations such as Movimiento por la Paz, focusing her work on the analysis of migratory processes and new narratives.


Julia Eva Delfini (Communications and Community coordinator)

She studied Social Communication at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and holds a Master’s Degree in Political Analysis and Institutional Consulting from the University of Barcelona (UB). She has specialised in the development of communication strategies with social impact and community building in several third sector organisations in Argentina, Brazil, and Spain. She has also produced independent projects such as Las voces del socavón, a documentary film on the miners’ radios in Bolivia and their role in the worker unions’ struggle in the second half of the 20th century.


Cristina Fuentes (Research coordinator)

Researcher expert in gender, border movements and Frontera Sur. She holds a PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Granada. She has been a technician at the Observatory of the Socio-border Reality of the Mediterranean and currently combines her work at porCausa with teaching at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
