There are more than 147,000 children in Spain living undocumented with their families and, as a consequence, without access to fundamental rights. Half of these children are under the age of ten and almost 40 per cent are under the age of five. One in five migrant children is undocumented in Spain. Until this work was published, there was no known data or public discussion about this matter.


The «Growing up undocumented» is a multi-platform and multi-format project that includes 25 interviews and the following products:

1 Technical report;

1 In-depth journalistic report;

15 Illustrations;

1 Podcast with 4 episodes;

2 Radio co-productions;

1 Youtube programme;

6 Video reports (published in collaboration with Save the Children).


«Growing up undocumented» stands out for the unique combination of research and journalism in its conception, development and final results.



1 Technical report:

Read the full report in Spanish here


1 Journalistic report:

Read the full article here


15  Illustrations:



1 Podcast with 4 episodes:


Podcast Available here



2 Radio co-productions:

Link to RNE programme here / Link to Cadena Ser programme here


1 Youtube programme:

Watch the programme here


6 Video reports:

Watch the videos here