What is porCausa?
porCausa is born through the conviction that the world gets changed by well informed society. But certain information does not reach most people.
In porCausa we work to ensure that truthful information regarding the most vulnerable members of the population gets the informative relevance it deserves.
Our main project: Migrations
We believe that the proper management of migrations is one of the greatest challenges that humanity faces this century. However, as has happened with other topics, such as climate change and women’s suffrage, the debate has collapsed. There are no adequate frameworks to create fair, reliable and long term options to deal with migrations. If we do not manage to change the terms of migratory policy soon we could end up participating in what would be one of the greatest human catastrophes in history.
How we are funded
So far, porCausa has been funded via the help of pioneers and projects, and, for the year 2017, with the aid of the Open Society Foundation.
Right now we need 2500 members to be economically viable, to ensure our survival, to be able to keep fighting against lies, to continue offering support to all the professionals that collaborate with us.
You can donate here.
What we do with the contributions
To remain independent and sustainable we need 240000 euros per year.
50% is destined to the salaries of the five people in the permanent team.
8% is destined to the rental of the office.
5% is destined to office expenditure (management, legal aid, CRM, web, insurance, banks, branding, travels, materials and unexpected occurrences)
37% in taxation
How we contribute to change every year
We have achieved over 100 publications in press, television and radio, reaching an audience of over 40 million people.
And also…
We design and seek funding for 10 projects regarding migration, in which the professionals in our network can work on.
We set up 8 events with the aim to raise awareness about information, migration and refugees.
We organize 10 closed door meetings to generate strategies to support freedom of expression, to improve the quality of information and to promote interculturality
We participate in strategic encounters regarding migration, promoting truthful information.
We perform 5 seminars in collaboration with universities.
We offer 20 students coaching, support, and insertion into our contact network.
We welcome and support over 50 professionals who aim to work with us and we counsel them so they find content and funding
We attend to those who ask us for help, creating networks and counseling to the best of our capabilities.
What would we do if our contributions grew?
We don’t want our structure to grow, what we want to grow is the network of people that work fighting against lies and producing quality information that saves the lives of the most vulnerable people.
What would we do if we surpass 2500 members?
Consolidate our team permanently, turning our part time employees into full time employees.
Increment our capacity to search for third party funding.
Increment our economic support towards investigative and journalistic projects presented to us mainly by freelance journalists and investigators.
Increment our office resources to be able to welcome more professionals that need workspace and logistic support.