Become a supporter of porCausa

In Fundación porCausa we believe that the creation of a proper system to manage migrations is the greatest challenge that humanity will face in this century. Given this importance, the information we receive on this topic is often confusing, unclear, demagogical and even wrong.




Our goal is to produce information on migrations from a unique perspective, combining both research and journalism. We are currently working on three main projects:

· Rising xenophobic movements across the European Union

· Private businesses behind the migration control industry

· Alternatives to this migration system




Fundación porCausa is becoming increasingly influential and that makes us increasingly vulnerable. Only donors make us stronger, sustainable and independent.

Become a supporter of porCausa to help us tell migrations as no one does.



These are some reasons to join us:

· Because we are a very small structure that feeds a very large network.

· Because we believe that passports should not define people’s rights.

· Because we believe quality information changes de world.

· Because we are critical and we need you to surviveDONATE HERE NOW.