FA.B! FAmily Based care for children in migration is a project aimed at supporting the improvement and expansion of alternative family-based care system for Unaccompanied Migrant Children in 5 European frontline Mediterranean Countries: Italy, Greece, Spain, Malta and Cyprus, involving in each Country key public institutions and experienced private organizations. Family-based care is commonly recognized as the best way to facilitate integration and promote the well-being of children and there are plenty of studies, best practices, guidelines on the subject, but yet only a minority of UMC benefits from FB care. FA.B! focuses on filling this gap between the awareness of the best solution and its application, intervening on critical aspects of the process of establishing a FB care system alternative to reception centres.
The European Commission states that children rights are part of human rights: rights that the EU and EU countries must respect, protect and fulfil. This is why protecting all children in migration, regardless of status and at all stages of migration, is a priority.
Family-based care is commonly recognized as the best way to facilitate integration and promote the well-being of children. It is considered to be more effective than large-scale residences in providing children with a nurturing environment and addressing their individual needs.
In Spain, Unaccompanied Migrant Children are under the responsibility of the Regional Governments that transfer the minor’s care to institutions and NGOs. They must stay in minor centers, which are not specific for UMC, until they are 18, when they are left to their own sort. Human rights organizations are denouncing that the centers host a number of UMC three times greater than allowed, and these minors are not receiving attention for their specific needs. The debate about the transfer from government centers to families is not even there. In this scenario public opinion is becoming more and more bias against UMC.
This activity aims in particular to:
- Raise awareness among civil society and policy makers about beneficial aspects of family based care systems
- Increase the number of foster families, guardians and volunteers interested in taking action for UMC
- Involve professionals and other potential beneficiaries in training activities.
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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